"Every deal is different. But gathering, organizing, synchronizing, and verifying intelligent facts and relationships are each critical to successful deals."
"The key to efficiency is... details defined in advance."
-Wm C. Kemper
Magister Operis DOES NOT engage in these types of transactions:
- Magister Operis DOES NOT participate with Sellers asking for proof of funds (POF) before evidencing proof of product (POP). Historically sellers asking for POP upfront own nothing to sell.
- Magister Operis DOES NOT participate in the mindless circulation of documents that originate from the unknown and/or lack professional competence to be respected by billion dollar signatories as well as top world banks, accounting, and law firms.
- Magister Operis DOES NOT participate in undefined chains and/or relationships.
- Magister Operis DOES NOT expect any principal to issue/sign/seal documents that are less than professionally complete.
Magister Operis only engages in transactions that have evidence of these FIVE things intact:
- Clear and accurate deal details,
- Concise principal credibility details,
- Relationships clearly defined,
- Documents accurately complete and professionally-crafted,
- Intermediaries identified and their roles.
- Deal description and terms requested or offered
- Any special notes that outline any special issues, circumstances, etc
- Exact relationships involved and their credibility, expectations, and skillsets
- Any legal representation involved
- The exact chain of intermediaries (if any) to the signatory principals.
Successful deals often require extra effort to avoid misrepresented facts and/or miscommunications that damage and/or destroy deals. Try mentally putting yourself in the shoes of all parties in order to predict what details are going to be required for an intelligent match and closing as soon as possible.
- Principals
- Compliance
- Law firms
- Accounting firms
- Banks and central banks
- Know what real KYC/AML compliance is today: The Wolfsberg Group
- Most KYC packages and their "Rules of the Road" documents polluting the Internet today... often only contain maybe 25% of what is actually required for real compliance and "bankability".
- Most CIS/KYC packages are not professionally formatted by someone with a background in preparing legal documents.
- Applicable consulting firms, contractors, vendors, producers, shipping companies, brokerages, insurance underwriters, etc.
- Intermediary roles and reputations
Notice how Magister Operis outlines deals in both of the Commodities as well as Financial sections of this website. You are encouraged to copy these outlines/tables and paste them into the body of an email, document, and/or your own website so that you can then edit them into whatever deal you are offering or requesting.
The professional production of a competent Letter of Request or Offer Description document in letterhead on a credible website, or well-crafted email naturally earns more credibility than those that don't know how or don't care to know how. A lot of time gets wasted dealing with those that don't understand how and don't want to know how to package credibility. You either have the professional skills and/or relationships to bring competent details on what you are bringing OR you need to help clear the way for Magister Operis™ to fully interview key players and help design a win/win solution for everyone.
Many of the principals and/or high-level relationships that Magister Operis has today require/expect Magister Operis to do a reasonable level of due diligence and KYC/AML pre-compliance on deals and parties involved. The ONLY reason why Magister Operis has a relationship with many of these parties is because of Magister Operis' website, background, as well as professional document production skills.
The ultimate goal of all should be to prefabricate/precut success by design because the actual details required to achieve success by design was respected.
Allow fluid interaction by those that are direct to principal parties and/or are most knowledgeable to get comfortable with each other and/or are capable of following a contractual transaction around like a good paralegal can so that contractual win-win can be incubated as soon as possible. Open the door for competent details to come forward for international KYC/AML banking compliance that allows a contract between principals to be signed as efficiently as possible.
The principals are introduced to each other after an intelligent match has been established. Be prepared for possible breakdowns to occur... and when they occur... focus on actual industry/banking compliant solutions rather than what seems wrong.
A draft contract is crafted for both parties/attorneys to negotiate and refine with each other until both parties agree the draft document is ready for signatures. Most contracts floating around the Internet aren't ready for anyone to sign yet many have already been signed by one party who has no idea who is their counter-party and whether the contract verbiage is legal and a match.
The "DRAFT" watermark is removed from the production document and the final version of the contract in PDF format is circulated among signatories for their signatures.
This is where the rubber really hits the road. It's often easier to get parties to sign a contract than get them to follow the procedures within the signed contract. Success will come when parties follow the procedures and/or have the professional skills to resolve whatever issues that arise.
Enjoy success. It probably wasn't as easy as you thought it might be but that's the actual reality of today's business world in general.
The Internet is absolutely polluted with brokers/intermediaries participating mindlessly in various brokering activities like swarms of starving insects. Part of what is being circulated is pure fraud, pure money laundering, and/or is not going to gain the respect of any high-level principal, banker, attorney, and/or accountant engaging in $100M+ international financial transactions. It is not uncommon for the banks' compliance departments to freeze an account for 90 days and start an investigation on EVERYBODY due to inexperience, fraud, and/or KYC/AML compliance issues.
If you expect/demand Magister Operis to solicit a respectable principal with less than quality information then please do immediately consider your personal funding capability to immediately compensate Magister Operis with a significant retainer to offset the financial and chronological impact of such common and typical expectations and/or demands.
If you think that you are waiting somehow on Magister Operis and have not clearly defined the items in the above outline...please pound into your head immediately that your situation (no matter how much you think it's an emergency) is YOUR own personal problem.