Magister Operis™ is a unique company dedicated to making the habitats within humanity…accurate, efficient, flexible, predictable, profitable, and sustainable as well as bringing fun, play, and ease into the lives of everyone.

History has repeatedly proven that big money often struggles to purchase quality, honesty, accuracy, accountability, and/or success.  

Magister Operis' own experiences, resources, and services as well a well-established relationships with internationally recognized organizations specialized in top world banking, accounting, and legal services, and resourcing allows Magister Operis to make "Integrity as a Service" available in a very wide variety of formats including:

  • Various Levels of KYC/AML Due Diligence and Compliance
  • Project and Business Funding Packaging
  • Major Project Funding Access 
  • Top World Banking and Central Banking Access
  • Real Monetization and/or Social Bank Program Access
  • Community and National Socio-Economic Transformation, Development, and Master Planning
  • Complex Strategic Financial Modeling
  • Project Funding Infrastructures with Multiple Layers of Financial Accountability Operational
  • Various Commodity, Financial, and/or Professional Services Procurement and Fulfillment Requests 
  • Major Crypto, Currency, and Off-Ledger Exchanges


For more information about how to access these rare relationships and services, please do not hesitate to Contact Us today.


Magister Operis Workflow: CLICK HERE

Broker notes: CLICK HERE

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