·         Full Corporate Offer (FCO)

o   An offer of product and procedures in seller’s full corporate letterhead.

o   A FCO is not “full” without being addressed to the name of a specific party representing a buyer.


·         Soft Corporate Offer (SCO)

o   An offer of product and procedures in seller’s full corporate letterhead to buyers in general but not addressed to any one specific buyer.


·         Soft Offer

o   A generic/sanitized offer of product and procedures to buyers in general that does not contain seller letterhead.


·         Sales Purchase Agreement (SPA)

o   A sales and purchase agreement/contract between buyer and seller.

o   While FCOs and LOIs are often typical posturing in business and some buyers require them…the devil is in the real details of the actual contract between the two parties. A customized SPA is the fastest way to determining if the buyers and sellers are a real match for each other. FCOs and LOIs often leave out very important details that either make or break a deal.