It stands to reason that an intelligent principal will hesitate to sign binding paperwork towards unknown parties.
Brokers often pass around sanitized, stretched-around Microsoft Word docs (.doc/.docx) that they cluelessly expect somebody who is intelligently in control of millions and/or billions of dollars worth of assets, to actually sign commitments and/or contracts that float off into/towards the unknown. Often times the signatory is accountable to a board of directors and/or stake-holders within a company that expects the principal to operate with utmost care and attention to detail. Knowing exactly how the company’s name and paperwork is being used is critical to predictable operations and processes.
Monetization and trading is one thing but those that advertise themselves as sellers and expect a bunch of immediate compliance out of a buyer should be engaged with extreme caution. It is often a “front” (smoke and mirrors) that allows the supposed principle to buy themselves time to figure out what to do with the buyer and the buyer’s paperwork since they aren’t the real seller.
Magister Operis hear a lot of brokers state that a buyer can’t solicit a Mexican bond seller due to solicitation regulations. We dare one of them to point to those actual regulations they are talking about like mindless insects. The industry is absolutely polluted with brokers that believe and repeat everything they hear.