Many brokers will often say their buyer or seller is real. Usually this claim is because somebody else said the buyer or seller is real. But few brokers/intermediaries will do the homework that protects reputations that can quickly be damaged by believing everything they are told.
Real brokers, principals, and companies should being willing to evidence their ability and passion to perform or else we are probably wasting our time. I actually know a number of real principals but they will waste your time and resources because they lack the passion to close deals. They want everything handed to them on a silver platter.
It is understandable that not everyone is computer literate or has a website that quickly authenticates the passion, business profile, attention to detail, and/or business skills. And at the same time …a significant portion of the businesses in the world today uses the Internet to both communicate as well as interact more rapidly by working smarter rather than harder. A basic website can be hosted for less than $10 per month.
A tremendous amount of information and data can be put on a basic website that saves significant time, money, and efforts compared to traditional printing of brochures, creating CDs/DVDs, postage, etc.
While it is true that anybody can register a $10 domain... few that are not real will register a domain and then assemble websites that are as competent as those of real parties such as:
- Exxon
- Home Depot
- Deutsche Bank
- Sony
- Panasonic
- Ford Motor Company
- VW Group
- Coca-Cola
- Harvard Business School
That said…it is fair question the integrity of the passion and/or professionalism of parties that chooses to put no/minimal efforts into creating a website for their business interests and chooses to want to be taken serious while interacting in business using free email accounts (such as yahoo, hotmail, and gmail) for a primary/corporate/professional email address.
Real Seller: A party that current owns title to a product and ready to sell without waiting on anything or anybody else. Their bank kisses their feet when they walk in the door.
Real Buyer: A party that current owns cash or has a triggered credit line and ready to purchase without waiting on anything or anybody else. Their bank kisses their feet when they walk in the door.
Glorified Broker representing themselves as a Seller
A. A party that owns no title, product, nor cash/credit yet seeks to leverage the title/cash/credit of others in order to make a spread rather than a commission like those often classified as brokers/consultants/intermediaries.
B. A party that requires the buyer to post a bank instrument or POF to covertly trigger a credit line or banking relationship for the party to then purchase the instrument/commodity to then resell to the buyer.
C. A party that claims to be the seller yet gets paid in a fee agreement along with other intermediaries/brokers.
Glorified Broker representing themselves as a Buyer
A. A party that requires the seller to setup a subaccount for the party to have an exit buyer deposit funds in excess of the purchase price and then refund the difference (spread) back to the party calling themselves a buyer.
B. A party unwilling to engage their bank officer with the seller’s bank officer to confirm each parties’ status in regards to being ready, willing, and able. (RWA)
Many sellers ask for POF upfront because they don’t own anything to sell. But it is reasonable for a real seller to request a buyer’s proof of funds before shipping the product to the buyer’s destination. Magister Operis is happy to ask a buyer to issue various forms of POF and/or issue a bank instrument to guarantee payment and/or financial capability once the following items are defined in a reasonable and professional manner:
- Seller shows the ability to communicate in a modern professional manner including format of emails, documents, and websites.
- Seller shows the aptitude to process transactional paperwork.
- Seller can evidence a credible banking relationship that will receive the buyer’s POF and payment for product.
- Seller can evidence a relationship and confirmation of a shipping company’s ability and willingness to deliver the product within timeframes agreed by all parties.
What is not reasonable…is to ask a buyer to provide blocked proof of funds with little or no evidence that the seller has a professionally functional business operation and can prove ability to deliver.
- Brokers that say they have a real seller or buyer without being able to evidence intelligent facts that make their connections real.
- Brokers that just want slap two principals together and let them sort everything out.
- Parties talk about laws/compliance that they can’t intelligently and/or officially reference yet want the supposed laws/regulations to be respected within the transaction.
- Parties brain-washed into thinking, acting, and reacting in patterns not concurrent with deals that are real or wanting to be real.
- Parties will produce unintelligent excuses on why they can’t allow the authentication of banking and/or proof of anything actually being real and/or organized.
- Paperwork that looks like kids created it or multiple brokers contributed to it with little organization.
- Paperwork is polluted with highlighted text that serves no purpose other than making the document look meant to communicate with young children. Often times the choice of highlighting colors actually makes text that is highlighted harder to read depending on the contrast with the font color.